We have caldean girls, mixed race girls, lovely nubian queens, any size, shape, heritage or origin is here. And more to come. The perver does not care what color or type of shell is on the outside of the M & M. They want to get into that peanutty center. Amazons, big butts, bubble butts, temple booties, all objects of his gutteral fixations.
Consider the origins here---shower, relaxing at home on the couch, erotic, backyard exercise, peeking over the fence or through the bushes to see her sun-drenched nudity glistening to the point of blindness. And how sweet their smiles are. Only a prelude. As you see, "if you want to look at my fanny.....if you want to perv at my panties.....then you'll get a faceful of fanny & panties. And, its on.
As promised, we have a panel of international therapists, who deal with this type of dysfunction and are partnering up to show the ladies how they can enact some of these techniques to train, tame and shame their peeker of choice or target. The following "confession" was told, under intense interrogation, to one of the ladies in action here.
I was beaten by my niece when she was 18. She is a good looking girl, with a great body, not muscular or anything like that. We just had a friendly argument and she said: "You wanna go?" I said sure, not taking her seriously. She was serious however and kicked me in the stomach, not too hard, but hard enough for me to double over.
That gave her the chance to put me in a headlock, my head was pressed against her boobs which felt good and weird at the same time. Bent over like this, in her hold, I was able to pull on one of her legs and made her lose her balance. We both fell to the floor, but she managed to keep me in the headlock, no matter how hard I tried to get out. Next thing I knew I feel her legs wrap around my waist and she started to squeeze making it even harder for me to breathe. This wasn't going very well, I was surprised how she had me in trouble so quickly, even if we were similar in height and weight. I'm maybe 15 lbs heavier.
Because of the effect of her scissor hold, she let the headlock go, but I was trapped between her legs, which by the way, were dressed in black tights under a mini-skirt. She said: "Want to say uncle dear uncle?" I said no and kept trying to get out of her hold, while she was laughing at me the whole time. I was getting really tired in her hold and when she realized that she let go and straddled me, sitting on top of me, pinning my wrists to the floor above my head. Her low cut shirt had her boobs almost in my face.
She laughed again and said: "Looks like I got you, and there is nothing you can do about it. I guess I'm stronger then you! Do you want to give up now, before I become too heavy or before somebody walks in and sees you helplessly under me?" I struggled, bucking my hips, but all that did was move her higher up on my heaving chest. She put her knees on my arms and kept me pinned, my head firmly between her thighs, her crotch almost against my chin. She stuffed her short skirt in between her crotch and my chin, put her hands on her hips and looked down on me smiling: "Just give, cause you have just been beaten by your niece." Too beaten to do anything else I just said: " I give."

Analysis----This is where and how shame begins. Right at home. In most cases, a sibling rivalry from removed members of any given family. No doubt, the penitant here, had prior transgressions, (peeping upskirt, notice he mentioned it), so she decided to give him a nice view of it.
But, just as we detailed in prior entries, the verbal shame and the apprehension of others walking in on the match, terrified this filth boy and caused him to submit, perhaps earlier than he had planned. Totally outmatched in wrestling skills, he was weakened before the taunting ever took place.
However, for future matches----keep sitting on him. Call your girlfriends and invite them over. Wait until other household members walk in, then tell them why you are shaming this slug in the manner that you are. Remember girls---the shame is just as important as the pain.

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