The picture book you see above has a story, which starts hours, days even weeks, before the actual shame you see here, takes place. One of the favorite pranks these miscreants enjoy is the old "surprise visit." This is usually enacted upon the neighborhood MILF, Cougar, coed home from school, or the cheerleader next door.
In future installments, we will actually open the files of our "aversion expert panel," and publish real stories of real events that these slugs confessed to doing and thinking. Many times, under the shameful interrogations of their female captors. Mostly, these prank visits occur, at the expense of a MILF, divorcee or cougar. Here are some of the scenarios:
1. The most popular because its the most annoying. Ringing the doorbell, or door knocker, then running away, either around the sides of the house into the bushes or over the fence. When she opens the door, often with very little attire on, nobody is there. Meanwhile, the little degenerates have couched themselves in their favorite hiding places, sometimes with binoculars or the peeper cam.
They may do this several times. Usually, they make the rounds in the neighborhood, and eventually come back to their favorite peekers and try again.
2. Spying on ladies in the pool or sunbathing. This is just vulgar because it eventually leads to interactive dares. Yards with dog-eared fences are a prime target, but stockade blockades work well too. Chances are, there are knots in the wood. Over time, elements and change of seasons, these knots begin to seperate from the slats. Any demented pervert can very easily apply a screwdriver to the target and eventually work it free. And, if said knot is in prime view of where the ladies bathe, he has the perfect cover to wanker.
Their own stupidity and immaturity get them caught. You know they can't keep a secret. They will sell "glory hole" time to their vulgar buddies, so they can come over and peep. They brag to others in school of what they do. The schoolgirls eventually pick this up and tell on them to the ladies who are being peeped upon. The trap is laid, they are caught and what you see above is a fitting punishment for their vulgar habits.
3. The Garden Hose--- Whether she is washing the car, or sunning in the yard, the real bold ones make bets or cast lots as to this tawdry activity. If the garden hose is near the target, they love to douse the ladies with said hose, especially if they have removed their tops and are laying on their stomachs. If they are topless, face up in the lounge chair, a nearby tree sports the perfect view. The instant reaction gets them going, provided they have an escape rout.
Remember the peeper's mantra---their little game and fantasy is ruined if they get caught. Picture the shame of being pinned down, full weight, in public by these ladies. No matter what they do or muffle, they are not let up. Sometimes for hours, they are pinned underneath her girl scent. His ordeal continues. And they do not like it. Making the ordeal more unbearable are the taunts, teases and insults yelled by the milf's and girls as they take turns sitting, smothering, pinning and telling him what a pathetic wanker twig he has. And the adventure continues......
Remember ladies--by definition--aversion therapy is using the deep rooted fixation of the fetish to defeat and cure his perverse habits and the perversions he manifests. By training and taming him, putting him through these shameful encounters, and using the very target of his peeking desires, (you) to treat and cure him of these related preferances, these are the first steps into molding him into the compliant, whimpering, glob of goo, which keeps him dependant upon you, to insure he remains on the straight and narrow paths of goodness.
Here is one for the tank top or belly shirt----"When you got 'em by the balls.....their hearts and minds will follow."
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